cocooned in thermal underwear
thick overcoat, scarf and woolly hat
to withstand the biting mountain air
in the valley below we see the lights
of little houses twinkling in the dark
and beyond the next peak
the glow from a distant city
we scale to these dizzy heights
ignore the pain in our necks
gaze in rapture at the Milky Way
pick out the planets from the stars
shining so clearly in the blackness.
© Gerald England
Composed: Gee Cross, 25th November 2002
Poetry Chain (India)
Famous Poets and Poems (Internet)
clociti in invelisul hainelor termale
palton stufos, esarfa si palarie de lana
spre a rezista aerului muscator de munte
in valea de dedesupt vedem luminile
micilor case sclipind in intuneric
si dincolo de urmatorul pisc
stralucirea unui oras indepartat
ne balansam spre aceste inaltimi ametitoare
ignoram durerea in gaturile noastre
privim fix in fermecarea Caii Lactee
triem planetele dintre stelele
stralucind atat de clar in obscuritate
Gerald England
(in romaneste de Andrei Dorian Gheorghe)